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                                 Meet Kimberly Martin.
World Traveler.
Starbucks Employee Extraordinaire.
Kim is defined by these and so much more.  She is kind, nurturing, deeply intellectual, funny, and she loves passionately.  She has lived from the east coast to the west, and has seen the world.  One year ago, she returned from an 11-month journey with The World Race, in which she worked with orphans in Africa and prostitutes in Thailand offering them open, loving arms and the grace of Jesus Christ.  She journeyed through the barrios of Mexico and jungles of South America and the barren streets of Kenya, intending to serve with her whole being and deep passion for the living God.  Pretty intense, huh?
I just visited her blog, which she has been posting on since August 2006, to get something really good and juicy to tell you.  Truthfully, I’m choking back tears.  I think I know Kim.  I’ve lived with her for 2 months and had some very meaningful, intentional conversations with her.  But as I perused her words and pictures from years of adventure with God, I realize I know very little about her heart.  This friend and sister has had endless adventures, some difficult and some easier, that reveal that her life points to something bigger than herself.  And here, in Gainesville, GA, I suspect this part of her past gets suffocated out with everyday life that takes over, demanding her attention and the attention of others.  I am embarrassed to tell you, my reader, that I have yet to ask her to uncover some of her stories for me.  I bet I’m missing out on something big.  Perhaps, by proximity, you are too.
But here is something I do know.  The same passion and intenionality that I sense in Kim’s life when she has dealt with orphans, prosititutes or widows, she approaches those of us living with her in community.  She is relentless in her passion that we might walk in freedom and truth.  She asks the tough questions.  She challenges each of us to dig into the depth of our hearts and be examined before the Lord.  And she loves us.  Kim is one of my treasures here in Georgia.  I’ve only hinted here at her life.  Dig in yourself, I think you’ll like what you see! 
visit for more about my friend!

2 responses to “A glimpse into my friend…”

  1. Wow, you did some extra homework.
    Thanks friend. You mean a lot to me, in case I haven’t told you that.

  2. You have really written an authentic blog. Kim is an amazing person. She’s been through a lot and has continued to press into more. We love her. Thank you for writing this!